Priest Tier for All Of Yourneeds

This blog is an opportunity to know more about a priest and his journey. I am glad to let you know how the son of a humble family came to be a priest from a border town between Venezuela and Colombia to be a border-less person. Open the bag pack of my life and discover how the Lord has work in me to become a better person. A priest set refers to a collection of equipment with a priest class restriction that usually provides an additional bonus when worn together. 1 Dungeon sets 2 Tier sets 3 Faction sets 4 PvP sets 5 Priest set lookalikes 6 Cloth armor sets 7 See also Priest Dungeon Sets Dungeon Set 1, Vestments.

I am Father Juan Sandoval. I was ordained as a priest in the Holy Catholic Church on May 20th 2017 for the Diocese of San Bernardino in California. I was assigned as parochial vicar at St. Peter and St. Paul Catholic Church in Altaloma.

When I was traveling to my home town (San Cristobal, western Venezuela) from the USA to celebrate my first Mass of Thanksgiving, I received a phone call that my uncle Laureano died due to cirrhosis. I was experiencing mixed feelings: happiness because I was ordained as a priest and sadness for the lost of one of my beloved uncles.

During my trip I was traveling with my mom Catalina and my cousin Johan (son of my uncle who pass away). My cousin was devastated and I was just trying to see beyond this event. It is possible that something can ruin the most important moment of your life? I was ready to celebrate with my relatives my ordination but first I had to celebrate the funeral of my uncle. What a contradiction.

In addition to this distressful moment, I lost a back pack in a taxi cab with thousands of files with pictures, documents and videos that I gathered for years to share with my immediate family members. I lost my uncle and I lost my back pack. I felt overwhelmed. I started asking God many questions. What is the reason this happened to me? What is the meaning of this events in an important moment of my life? what is the lesson I have to learn?

The Lord did not answer my prayers immediately, but He helped me to reconfigure my goals and my identity. As a seminarian my goal was to become a priest. I wrote good papers for academic purposes, I had a great spiritual director, I served in ministry; everything was structured. Now that I am priest I did not want to write anymore. I had enough reading and writing by being in the seminary fourteen years. I wanted to take a long break “out of the structure”, but obviously the Lord did not want that for me. I started writing in my virtual block of notes as Catharsis . I was experiencing an spiritual moment in which the Lord wanted me to let go (my personal attachments) and let God shape my identity. My new identity was united definitely with Christ through my ordination. For some reason I was ignoring my own transition, I learned that I have to focus on my new identity and share my feelings with my flock.

I accepted the challenge and I started documenting my personal encounters with God. At the beginning, this experiences were leading me to write a book but in the end, after much consideration, it became to fruition as a blog; the same one you are reading now. This blog is an opportunity to know more about a priest and his journey. I am glad to let you know how the son of a humble family came to be a priest from a border town between Venezuela and Colombia to be a border-less person. Open the bag pack of my life and discover how the Lord has work in me to become a better person. You will be surprised what it is inside in the back pack of my life: awesome things and some “rotten tomatoes”. So, please open the zipper of this back pack and start getting a glimpse of the marvelous deeds the Lord has done for me. Also, I want to share in this blog some of my past projects like a music production with a Christian Band (in Spanish) pictures and videos. You can access those by clicking in the follow us icons in the bottom of the webpage.

May God bless our journey!

Last updated: Nov 12, 2020

Welcome to our World of Warcraft Shadowlands Healer Rankings updated for the latest Shadowlands PTRPatch and thenewest Raid – Castle Nathria. We check this data every day and make sure thatitis accurate and up to date. The classes and specs here are ranked by their overall HealingperformanceinRaids at Level 60. The data is gathered from the most recent successful boss kills of Castle Nathriafrom WarcraftLogs. Wipes/trash fights are NOT considered. You can see the number of parsed logs foreach boss.

Healer Rankings

All Stars
Sun King's Salvation
Lady Inerva Darkvein
Huntsman Altimor

Number of logs: 257


Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin


Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest

No logs for this encounter yet

Number of logs: 61


Discipline Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin


Discipline Priest
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin
Holy Priest

Number of logs: 61


Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin


Restoration Druid
Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin

Number of logs: 2


Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
Restoration Druid
Holy Priest


Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
Restoration Druid
Holy Priest

Number of logs: 1


Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest


Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest

No logs for this encounter yet


Number of logs: 85


Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
Holy Paladin


Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Restoration Shaman
Priest tier  for all of your needs child
Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Holy Paladin

Number of logs: 2


Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin


Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin

Number of logs: 45


Mistweaver Monk
Holy Priest
Restoration Shaman
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
Holy Paladin


Restoration Shaman
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Druid
Holy Priest
Discipline Priest
Holy Paladin

By using the approach of combining dozens of real logs from last week's Shadowlands PTR RaidTestingof Castle Nathria, we can measure the central tendency of this dataset whiletaking statistical dispersion into the account to provide you with the most realistic chart. This isthe most reliable way before we have access to Shadowlands Simulationcraft data.

Please note that Shadowlands PTR is still very much a work in progress so these numbers are evolvingconstantly as Blizzard introduces many changes with every patch. We are keeping this pageup-to-date.

While such metrics have always been simply representative of the maximum potential HPS, you can stilluse them to analyze the output of your class/spec (such as what kind of performance you can expectfrom it) as well as to discover who is the Top Healer in Shadowlands PTR now.

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
A (High Tier)
Holy Priest
B (Mid-High Tier)
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Discipline Priest
B (Mid-High Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
C (Mid Tier)
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest

Priest Tier  For All Of Your Needs Friend

F (Bottom Tier)
Restoration Druid
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
B (Mid-High Tier)
Holy Priest
C (Mid Tier)
Restoration Druid
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Discipline Priest
F (Bottom Tier)
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Restoration Shaman
Holy Paladin
B (Mid-High Tier)
Restoration Druid
C (Mid Tier)
Holy Priest

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Restoration Druid
E (Low Tier)
Discipline Priest

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Discipline Priest
B (Mid-High Tier)
Restoration Druid
C (Mid Tier)
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Shaman
D (Mid-Low Tier)
Holy Priest
E (Low Tier)
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Holy Priest
B (Mid-High Tier)
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
F (Bottom Tier)
Holy Paladin

Healer Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Mistweaver Monk

Priest Tier  For All Of Your Needs Children

B (Mid-High Tier)
Holy Priest
Restoration Shaman
C (Mid Tier)
Restoration Druid
Discipline Priest
E (Low Tier)
Holy Paladin

Priest Tier  For All Of Your Needs Child

Frequently Asked Questions

🏆 What is the Best Healer class to play inShadowlands?

You can judge for yourself by examining the list above.Statistically speaking, the Top 3 Classes here would be a safe pick when you areaiming to achieve maximum healing efficiency. But do not be frustrated if your classor spec is not high-ranking at this moment – you can still excel with it if you knowwhat you are doing.

🎯 How frequently is this Rating updated?

We are well aware that dated information is of no use. And this iswhy we thoroughly check these stats every day just to ensure that they are authenticand we always tweak them whenever something happens to change. At the top of thispage, you can see the dates of both events.

🤔 Are these Simcraft or Logs-based HealerRankings?

We do not have access to Simulationcraft for Shadowlands (yet), sothis data is based entirely on Raid Logs from last week's Raid Testing of CastleNathria on Shadowlands PTR.

🙄 Are lower-ranked classes uncompetitive?

Priest Tier  For All Of Your Needs To Be

Not always. These kinds of rankings are intended to highlight commonpatterns, however, in particular in-game situations lots of variables couldinterject, and thus the lowest-scoring class/spec may ultimately end up becoming Top#1 Healer in raid/group. It all depends.