Historian Resources

  1. Free Resources For History Teachers
  2. Historical Resources Act Alberta
  3. History Resources For Kids
  • Historical Resources has several reserved parking spots in front of our building for the convenience of our researchers and volunteers. These include two marked handicapped parking spots in close proximity to the building's main entrance.
  • About The Offices. This site is a collaborative project between the Office of the Historian and the Clerk of the House's Office of Art and Archives. The offices preserve, collect, and interpret the heritage of the U.S. House, serving as the institution’s memory and a resource for Members, staff, and the general public.

AASLH Resources

Florida Division of Historical Resources R.A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida. Phone: 850.245.6300 Fax: 850.245.6436 Find Us on Facebook Follow us on I nstagram. Discover more ways to connect. The program is administered by the Division of Historical Resources, Florida Department of State and is governed by rules in Chapter 1A-39, Florida Administrative Code and Section 267.0617, Florida Statutes. Two types of grants are awarded through this program: Small Matching Grants and Special Category Grants. Please see the respective pages.

Historical resources act alberta

AASLH offers resources that support our members’ practice of history. Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill or fundamentally transform your organization, AASLH has resources to help along the way. Browse the AASLH Resource Center to find issues of History News, Technical Leaflets, audio recordings, webinar recordings, and upcoming Professional Development events. Find your next position or hire on our job board. Take a look at the list of Affinity Communities and join a group with similar interests.

The AASLH Resource Center is a collection of resources designed to help you do good history. Here you can register for upcoming continuing education events and build your personal library from recent History News issues and Technical Leaflets, recorded webinars, and audio recordings. You can also register for StEPs and surf AASLH’s latest literary publications. Keep track of your learning all in one place as you explore by category and resource type.

Browse job listings for history organizations around the country, post open positions, and more. Our job board typically has 60-100 jobs and internships listed, and our listings get over 60,000 views a month. Institutional Members can post free 90-day internship listings

Members of AASLH are invited to join any of our Affinity Communities, which are organized around subjects of interest, job types, and organization types. These communities offer more opportunities for networking and collaboration with like-minded history practitioners.

Free Resources For History Teachers

AASLH provides many different publications for the field, including History News magazine, Technical Leaflets, books, and our blog.

Step into the shoes of a History Detective and tackle some of history's toughest mysteries. These lesson plans guide students to evaluate conflicting evidence by:

  • Sourcing: Who made this source? Where did it come from?
  • Contextualizing: Imagine the setting surrounding this source: How was the world that made this source different than our own?
  • Corroborating: What do other sources say about the information in this document? Do they agree or disagree with what this document says?
  • Close Reading: What does the document say? Is it biased? What is the tone?

Historical Resources Act Alberta

Equip your students with foundational tools that will help them evaluate conflicting information for the rest of their lives.

Lesson Plans

Crack the Case: History's Toughest Mysteries Support theories with primary and secondary sources

Abraham Lincoln: Man versus Legend Use historic documents to create a well-rounded portrait of Abraham Lincoln

Us history resources for teachers

History Resources For Kids

Think Like a Historian: A Viewing Guide Guide students to think like a historian

Historian Resources

Evaluating Conflicting Evidence: Sultana Weigh the merits of competing theories and come to a conclusion

Detective Techniques

Evaluate: Once students have completed their independent investigations, download and print our rubric, the Teacher Evaluation Checklist, to evaluate their work.


Share: Have you created lessons around History Detectives? Do you have class investigations or student discoveries you wish to share? Visit our Facebook page and share your ideas and resources with us. We always love to hear from you!

Go to PBS Learning Media for more than 3000+ lesson plans and activities.